hotel aurora di treviso č l'albergo pių economico e confortevole del trevigiano.

Useful contacts and Numbers

Hotel Aurora **

Pizzale Ospedale, 23 - 31100 Treviso

Phone +39 0422-406622 - +39 0422-40622

Fax +39 0422-320382




Booking at Aurora Hotel

It is easy to book a room in Hotel Aurora! Just call those numbers:
+39 0422-406622 or +39 0422-404519
It’s also possible to send an email to our address: specifying the period of your stay, number of persons and your address, in order to being contacted from our receptionists in short time.

Please visit the section “how to reach the Hotel” with a practical map that will aid you in calculate and print a practical map, which will route you to our Hotel.